Letterhead for Cordelia Sparklinglas

Thinking About Joining the SecCommunity...

Benefits & Discounts

  • The deepest possible discounts on every bottle of PasoSecco wine you purchase, and every glass of PasoSecco or one of our Elevated Mimosas you enjoy in our tasting room.
  • Your own exclusive SecCommunity number and nickname, and your photo on our online and in-store Wall of SeccoPaths as long as you maintain your SecCommunity status.
  • No obligations. No required annual or bi-Annual shipments. No unexpected charges or wines you don’t want. Just purchase 8 bottles of any PasoSecco wines over the course of the calendar year, and your SecCommunity status and all benefits and discounts are renewed for next year.
  • We’ll even count any two glasses of PasoSecco or Mimosas purchased in our tasting room as a Bottle toward your renewal. We’re that cool.
  • Exclusive SecCommunity window to purchase every new vintage of PasoSecco, SecCommunity-exclusive bubbles, and annual limited-edition bootleg t-shirts before the general public.
  • Free in-store tastings for all SeccoPaths and up to three of their friends
  • YOUR VOICE COUNTS! All SecCommunity members get to vote annually at the Gathering of the SeccoPaths on which wine will be the next vintage’s SecCommunity-exclusive wine.

Join the SecCommunity

Three annual SecCommunity gatherings:

  • The Gathering of the SeccoPaths: The SecCommunity’s annual meeting in late February – held on-site and virtually – featuring an update on the state of PasoSecco by Chris and Elizabeth, your chance to sound off about PasoSecco, the winners of SeccoPath of the Year and all other SecCommunity awards and contests, the unveiling of our newest bootleg t-shirt, and the vote on the next SecCommunity-exclusive wine.  
  • BUBBLESHUCK: The mid-summer exclusive Bacchanal, devoted to everything that pairs well with PasoSecco: oysters, fried chicken, caviar, and fried potatoes. Vegetarian and vegan options available as well.
  • SeccoBlind Sparkling Wine Tasting: Held in the late summer/early fall, a chance for the SecCommunity to taste and evaluate the competition, up to fifty Paso Robles and Central Coast sparkling wines as well as Italian Proseccos. The final results help Chris & Elizabeth determine the final make-up of each year’s PasoSecco.

Join the SecCommunity

What Cool Community Perks!

  • Exclusive access to our private SecCommunity Messenger/Facebook/Slack channels, so you can communicate, befriend, and share your thoughts with other SeccoPaths in the SecCommunity
  • Invitations to our Monthly SecCommunity virtual SeccoZoom gatherings, including AMAs with Chris & Elizabeth, interviews with Paso Robles and sparkling wine luminaries and movers & shakers, Bring Out Your Best virtual bottle shares, trivia nights, and more
  • Subscription to PasoSecco 24/7, bi-monthly emails on the 7th and 24th of every month keeping you apprised of what’s going on at PasoSecco
  • Special SecCommunity pools, brackets, competitions, and gatherings built around the NCAA Basketball tournament in March, Eurovision in May, and the college and NFL football seasons in the fall with chances to win great PasoSecco prizes and experiences

All this and much more to come…I am definitely joining the SecCommunity!

***BONUS*** THE FIRST 100 SECCOMMUNITY MEMBERS receive lifetime recognition as the SECCOCIENTO – with a special annual gift for every year of continued membership; VIP seating, exclusive parties, and early access to all SecCommunity gatherings; special recognition at all events; and additional perks, discounts, and exclusives.

Join the SecCommunity